MIDI / Music
MIDI::RtMidi::FFI - Perl bindings for RtMidi
Audio::SunVox::FFI - Perl bindings for the SunVox library
MIDI::ReMidi - Perl bindings for libremidi (in progress)
Audio::RtAudio - Perl bindings for RtAudio (in progress)
Audio::JACK2 - Perl bindings for the JACK Audio Connection Kit (in progress)
MIDI::PortMidi - Perl bindings for PortMidi (in progress)
MIDI::LiveCode - A live-coding DSL targeting MIDI performance (in progress)
Check out my SoundCloud
Retro Computing / Games
TZX Server - A streaming audio server for ZX Spectrum tape dumps
Games::ZXSpectrum::LibSpectrum - Perl bindings for libspectrum (in progress)
Repliconz - An experiment in making a game using Perl and SDL - you should probably use Chris Prather's RayLib bindings instead
Gists and other small things
Power profile switcher - Switch to high performance mode when a fullscreen application (i.e. a game) is running, otherwise use power saving mode
Wav file splitter - Split multichannel wav files into stereo (or any arbitrary number of channels) tracks